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Coaching & Therapy for Transformative Growth & Resilience

Helping You Thrive No Matter What!

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Lifting Up to Your Best Self

Resilient, Connected & Empowered Effectiveness in Life


We need to have a certain level of vitality and well-being to feel good about ourselves, our contributions in the world, and the help we provide to others.


Many are quite successful in their lives, contributing much that makes the world, the work environment, the community, their families, etc. better, and yet, because of unresolved anxiety, self-doubt & fear, or by the demands of the world, the needs of those they are serving, become hampered in their effectiveness--suffering their own success, health, well-being and effectiveness.


This lowers vibration (positivity), making people susceptible to slipping into heavier and more challenging emotional states of self-doubt, frustration, limiting beliefs and discouragement, or burn out and compassion fatigue.


If you are seeking greater resilience, capacity and transformation for yourselves or your employees, I can help.


My heart's desire is to help raise the level of consciousness--beauty, truth, love & light--in the world, through healing & growth. 


I bring together Energy & Depth Psychology, philosophy, expanded awareness, natural healing, and wisdom gained from over 3 decades of study, healing, meditation and helping people who have trusted me with their hearts, their fears, and their hopes, to walk along with you to a place of greater balance, energy, drive and possibility.


If you are looking for a professional to help you and your organization boost your well-being as you work to help create a world in which all beings flourish, let me know! 


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Here's to YOUR Radiance,


- Dr. Holly

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