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Holly Timberlake, Ph.D., DCEP

Licensed Psychologist,
Diplomate in Energy Psychology





Cuyahoga Falls, OH

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A Bit About Dr. Holly

Holly Timberlake, Ph.D., DCEP (Diplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology) is one of the premier Energy Psychologists in Northeast Ohio. She has been helping people to recover their inherent brightness of heart, mind, body, and spirit since 1999. She has the capacity to help people free themselves of the programming/wounding that happened in their past which frees their inherent energy and aliveness. This, in turn, increases their peace, success, well-being and joy. It releases more capacity for higher quality relationships to all aspects of life (ourselves, others, our work, Spirit, the world) and all the possibilities and challenges it brings.


She practices and teaches internationally on subjects from the basics of Energy Psychology, to reversing negative beliefs, to using Energy Psychology to help heal early developmental trauma, to Unified Field Theory and Energy Psychology. She created a certification program for allied practitioners to incorporate EP methods into their practices and one for therapists to use EP methods to help clients resolve trauma. She also has a training program to build resilience among practitioners. Holly helps people to transform their lives from surviving to thriving, from being weighted by the past, to being free of the limiting, distorting, and painful effects of the past.


She is the creator of a number of process guides for self-directed healing and growth, including the Touchstone Guide, a gentle well-being assessment for groups, pairs, or individuals. The Guide is a creative way to explore yourself and plan your moving forward towards more emotional, physical, energetic health & vibrancy.

She’s excited about expanding her role from therapist to coach, trainer and collaborative developer of materials and training for survivors of abuse and trauma and for those who provide the much-needed services to help them reestablish themselves and their families in life.  She continues to create new ways to support peoples’ empowerment and effectiveness in self-healing and growth. If you’d like to be more connected, sign up for her Sacred Pause  newsletter on the homepage here.

Her INTEGRATED, holistic practice combines: Energy Psychology and medicine methods (EFT and more), EMDR, Holographic journeying, cultural and gendered awareness modalities, Dreamwork, Trauma-informed modalities, natural approaches to healing, and breathwork.

Holly is avidly interested in nature, beauty, deep and meaningful relationships, cosmology, Unified Field Theory, and archeo-astronomy—all that's expanded! She is an independent researcher and writer with a grand vision of contributing to an expanded psychological theory consistent with a Oneness or higher dimensional orientation to life. She finds much satisfaction in creative outlets: dancing, singing, playing piano (slowly), painting and other visual arts creations, and writing poetry.

She lives in the paradise of a creek-created gorge near her children and grandchildren, whose presence on this planet, at this time "with her," fills her with immense joy. She is ever grateful for the love they share and for how they continue to help her to grow as a human being.  She delights in being a part of their lives and in being present, herself, at this transformative moment in the life of this planet.

Interested in all I've done to arrive here? Read more

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