Thank You & Welcome!
And so we begin!
To help you begin this new beginning, I'm sending you the link to my Radiant Resilience & Well-Being Assessment and Processing Tool. It's my way of helping you to take stock of what's at play in how you are feeling about yourself and your life now. Once you've identified both the aspects of your life which are the most positive and rewearing, and the ones that still pose the biggest challenges for you, you can then plot out how you might address each aspect.
With this information now in your conscious awareness, you can use this to decide what to work on in the weekly tapping sessions, giving you more direction in your consistent efforts.
my Radiant Aliveness Well-Being Assessment and processing tool. It's a first step in beginning to plot out and set your intentions for the kind of changes you want to make now.
Before you fill it out, make sure you have some quiet, uninterrupted time and grab some tea or coffee, cuddle up in a comfy place. The questions will have you reflecting on your life, on you in deeper, more inclusive ways than you maybe have. If it brings anything up for you, breathe deeply, releasing tension on the out breath. There is space on the assessment for you to choose what will be the first areas you address, so that you will know that you are going to be empowering yourself to heal and grow . You might use the back sides of the assessment to journal what comes up for you as you are filling this out.
Also, date it, so you can go back to it as a base line later on to be reminded of how far you have come, how much is different as you continue on your journey.
m excited that you are joining us for The Inner Circle Incubator Virtual Retreat! This will be an action-packed week full of big thinking and fast action taking.
Share your biggest question with me now by replying to this email. What question would you love to explore in our time together? I’ll weave this into the themes for the Tuesday evening groups. This will give you a more personalized experience, even if you signed up for the basic level group.
I'm so glad you have made this choice for yourself.
And thank you for choosing to have me and my team be guides for you in your own personal unfoldment and transformation!
I promise to bring to you the best of myself and what I have to offer. As we continue on this journey, the everything here and all of us will grow and become richer in a myriad of wondrous ways!
May we all rise up into what's possible for us as evolving human spirits!
Here is the link for the Tuesday evening sessions just in case there are any glitches in the process here, since this all a little new.
Meeting ID: 835 6818 8060
Password: 187764
To get you started, here is