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Has Energy Psychology Transformed Your Life? I'm thinking it has!

I’ve been gifted this soulchild of an idea.


Simply…I want to gather practitioners’ stories of how EP transformed their lives…and turn this into a book to inpsire practitioenrs everywhere! If therapists and healers knew how much resilience these methods provide and how much the incorporation of them has transformed EP practitioners’ lives professionally and personally, people would flock to us for learning, for connection and collaboration, and our goals of getting EP practices into every healthcare field, helping the world heal more quickly, would be more rapidly and powerfully realized.


The idea I’m developing is an expansion of the concept of resilience from both an energetic perspective and a growth-transformation oriented perspective. While preparing my presentation on Resilience and EP for this year’s conference, I focused on how practicing EP, itself, confers resilience on practitioners. The need for practitioner resilience is not sufficiently emphasized in the literature, research & training, and as the world becomes ever more dynamic and destabilized, the need for practitioners to actively develop increasing resilience amplifies, too, perhaps exponentially.


As I’ve been thinking about it, it has occurred to me that EP likely confers more resilience to the practitioner, both while practicing & as tools to navigate their own life challenges, than any other psychotherapeutic modality. Knowing how much resilience EP has helped me develop, I began asking others of their experience. Every EP practitioner I have spoken with then gushes about the difference EP has made in their lives.


And so here we are. I’m reaching out to you (I’ve already spoken to some of you about this) asking you to submit your own story of change as a result of practicing EP modalities to help others heal and grow more while being of service to the world in ways that are beyond what conventional therapeutic practices provide. I have been able to make significant leaps in my own healig from childhood neglect and trauma. The negative beliefs I have reversed number in the hundreds. The patterns (behavioral, neurological, attitudinal), that have reached an easy access to the flow state, are happily in my past. I could go on!


I am using the general word “change,” because, while so many talk about how EP transformed all three: their clients’ lives, their practices and their lives, perhaps there are some who have had different experiences. If you know someone who was perhaps disaffected by EP for reasons of not having positive experiences, I’d love to hear from them too. The more we know about what didn't work for them, the more we can help them through those blocks and challenges. You might also want to include any challenges that you had making the transition to including EP in your practice…if you experienced challenges.


My intention is to collate edited stories into an annotated book. The working title is: Stories of Resilience while Helping the World Heal: The Transformative Power of Energy Psychology for the Healers and Helpers. Many of your stories will be included in more of their fullness and headed as [….’s] Story, and other stories and elements will be incorporated into the more summative portions, used as examples of points being made.


Everyone who contributes will be able to provide a short bio and contact information, so that the book will function, too, as a promotional source for those who contribute to it. In addition to an introduction and a summary chapter (written by me), there will be the 3 main sections listed above: Impacts on Clients’ Lives, Impacts on Professional Practice, and Impacts in our Personal Lives. I can imagine that based on the information received that there will emerge 3 – 4 chapters on various aspects of each of those 3 categories.


You can write/record your story as it flows out of you or you can answer each of the questions below.Here is what I would like to know:

    1) The overall impact of EP for you, describing the most powerful changes that you have experienced since becoming a practitioner of EP

    2) How you first learned of EP

    3) What in you and your life drew you to investigate it

    4) How quickly did you incorporate EP into your practice and your life

    5) How central are EP practices in your toolkit/backpack

    6) What changes did you experience in your clients’ results

    7) Ditto…in your practice

    8) Ditto…in your personal life

    9) Over the years you have been practicing, how has it affected your perception of life/reality/possibility/trauma and transformation, etc

    10) What is your own experience regarding resilience (think about it simply as bounce-forward-ability!) as an EP practitioner, challenges, strengths, etc.

    11) Anything else that comes to your mind that is important to share


You can either write your experience or voice record it. If you choose to participate, I will have a participation form I will send to you that includes such topics as permission to share, copywriting, agreeing to the process of editing, etc. At that time, I will send you out more detailed information about the specifics of the process I intend to use to complete this project.


Please send it to me at I envision that this process will involve clarifying and follow-up conversations through the editing process. If you have any questions now, please feel free to either email me at or text/call at 330.703.5529. 


Thank you so much for considering to be a part of this exciting and important way to get our message across to those who are waiting to discover the power and the healing capacities for practitioners and clients, alike, available through Energy Psychology methods! And may this effort be an effective path for our goals of getting these modalities into every social service agency, organization, school, hospital, medical and mental health facility, every first responder and community disaster outreach organization.


The brightest of blessings to you all and to all of us practicing energy therapy methods!


With the deepest gratitude to you for all that you do!


Holly Timberlake, Ph.D.

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